
Showing posts from September, 2017

Madama Butterfly

     Madama Butterfly is definitely an interesting opera, but it has so much to say and I found the whole idea very touching. The artist of the claymation really doesn't hold back which I love. It's very avant-garde and it's something you don't expect from an animation like this one. I think another part of the reason is to show how important this man is to the woman in a very uncensored manor. From the looks of it, it seems as if they are in a very devoted relationship, but that later appears to be far from the truth. The ending was also pretty intense and non filtered, but again, I think it was something that worked better.      I also liked a lot of the metaphors that this opera used. The whole concept of the baby attached to its mom by a string was very clever. It saddened me when that string is finally broken, but that was the point and I don't think this scene would have been as sad if there wasn't that metaphor in the video. Later in the film, you c...

Combining two images

I found this assignment pretty interesting and I really found a lot of fun creating my on rendition of it. The artwork I did my best to create was just an idea that was in my head for a while. What if, instead of us always watching our T.V.s, what if our T.V.s always watched us? The distorted antennas also represent a distorted reality of our world through the T.V.'s eyes.

Raul Cuero Interview Comments

        I took a lot out of what Raul Cuero had to say after watching his interview on creativity. It was very interesting to see and hear how someone who suffered from extreme poverty and horrible upbringings could become so successful.         Throughout the interview, Cuero talks a lot about creativity and how one can use it to beat natural conflicts like the ones he faced as a child. He recalls a time in his life where he would play with roaches in his house because he didn't have money for toys. However, this proved to be more of a pro than a con for Cuero as he learned more on how things like nature worked rather than growing up as a normal kid playing with traditional toys. I can't really apply an experience like this to my every day life, but I can definitely get a lot out of the concept. The whole idea of being creative is thinking differently from others. The same way that Cuero thought differently from other kids with his roaches....