Madama Butterfly
Madama Butterfly is definitely an interesting opera, but it has so much to say and I found the whole idea very touching. The artist of the claymation really doesn't hold back which I love. It's very avant-garde and it's something you don't expect from an animation like this one. I think another part of the reason is to show how important this man is to the woman in a very uncensored manor. From the looks of it, it seems as if they are in a very devoted relationship, but that later appears to be far from the truth. The ending was also pretty intense and non filtered, but again, I think it was something that worked better. I also liked a lot of the metaphors that this opera used. The whole concept of the baby attached to its mom by a string was very clever. It saddened me when that string is finally broken, but that was the point and I don't think this scene would have been as sad if there wasn't that metaphor in the video. Later in the film, you c...